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When you get your Solar Panels thru me - this

"Solar-Powered Dancing Sunflower"
will be a gift to 
you from me 
(while my supply lasts).

Webpage URL:$SolarPanels.htm 

Home Page  |  Computer Consultant | Solar Panels  | Oxford Energy | MySpecial Offers 

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Click on for complete web page details$Solar-Panels.htm 


It's Official as of February 13, 2025 

Atlantic City Electric customer's bills will rise by $28.02 or 17.23% to $190.62 in June 2025 
(as an example)

Click Here for complete article about increase.

Here are the increases for the state's four electric utilities, 
assuming an average use of 650 kilowatts a month:

  • Atlantic City Electric customers' bills will rise by $28.02, or 17.23%, to $190.62.

  • Jersey Central Power & Light bills will go up by $22.67, or 20.2%, to $134.92.

  • PSE&G bills will rise by $26.87, or 17.24%, reaching $182.71.

  • Rockland Electric, which services the far northern portion of the state, 
    will see an increase of $25.48, or 18.18%, to $165.64.




good until further notice.  

$50 Amazon Gift Card if you sign up and once your solar panels 
are installed and up and running.


If you receive this webpage and you DO NOT live in NJ or already have solar panels -  but you refer a friend, family, etc. that lives in New Jersey - I will split the $50 Amazon Gift Card - 
$25 each - one for you and one for your friend, family, etc.

when they
 sign up and gets solar panels 
installed and up and running.


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Please note - Effective January 1, 2023 - in NEW JERSEY only -

will be using  "BigWave Roofing and Solar"  -  since better prices for my clients. 

The  balance of country - I will continue to use Sunrun since "BigWave" - only in New Jersey.


 I have received a # of calls from you indicating for whatever reason, you can't get solar panels - 
i.e. too many trees, etc. - but you have friends in New Jersey, Nevada, Florida, TEXAS, etc. that might be interested. 

Please call Arlene Litvin at 856-718-4223 or 856-772-0072 with their name, address, phone #, etc. so we can discuss.

Please contact me if you are interested in installing Solar Panels on roof or ground and/or 
Rechargeable Solar Battery System so you can start saving money. 

For info on: 1) Utility Prices Increases  2) Solar Articles - click on link you want to look at.


Don’t wait – contact me immediately if you are interested or have a friend that is interested in going “Green”
with solar panels
so you too can save money and stay cool. 

- Reduce your Carbon Footprint, Reduce your Electric Bill, put more money back in your pocket, what's not to love !!!!!!!

- Want to see if you qualify to go solar with NO MONEY out of pocket.  

- Call me at 856-718-4223 or 772-0072 to discuss and I will have my  Solar Energy Consultant, Jared contact you.

As you know, I went solar with another company back on February 28, 2014. I am still receiving a bill from Atlantic City Electric for approximately $6.00 a month (was $3.00 back in 2014 - base charge has doubled) and a second invoice from the other solar company which is much less than I paid before getting solar panels.  
Saving at least $70-80 a month during the summer over the last 10 years. So now I can run my air conditioning without worrying about a HUGE bill and having to use a fan to cool off !!

Can’t believe Atlantic City Electric has had increases of at least 71.07% since 2014.
(see under Utility Price Increases)

2014 - 5.6% 

2015 - 6.3% 

2016 - 3.89%

2017 - 4.0% 

2018 - 9.55%

2019 - .8% 

2020 - .3% 

Apr 2021 - .6.91% // Oct 2021 - .07% - total -  7.61% 

2022 - 6.89%  

2023 -  4.1% 

June 2024 - 4.8 %

June 2025 going up by 17.23%


 ** Please NOTE - on spreadsheets, I only showed increase on Solar Company (SC)  side - 
forgot if still had Atlantic City Electric - 

would have had increases totaling 71.07% since 2014 -


I started at 13.1 cents per KWH rather than 21.0 cents when I went live back on February 28, 2014 - 
now only 17.43 starting year 10.

Starts from March to March of year - i/e/ 2023-03 to 2024-03

** 1st Year Savings

2014 - 2015



** 2nd Year Savings

2015 - 2016



** 3rd Year Savings

2016 - 2017



** 4th Year Savings

2017 - 2018



** 5th Year Savings

2018 - 2019



** 6th Year Savings

2019- - 2020



** 7th Year Savings

2020 - 2021



** 8th Year Savings

2021 - 2022



** 9th Year Savings

2022 - 2023



**10th Year Savings

2023 - 2024



**11th Year Savings

2024 - 2025


TOTAL for 10 Years - $6,19.184

Avg. Savings per Year - $773.98

Avg. Annual Savings % over 10 years - 34.61%

Avg. Savings per Month - $64.50

I have had solar panels since February 28, 2014

I have now completed my 10th Year with my Solar Company (SC)  solar panels with the Solar PPA program 

** TOTAL Tenth Years Savings


See attached spreadsheets comparing my electric bills from 2013 thru current  - both a summary page as well as detailed pages -- Click Here




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Designed by: Arlene E. Litvin

anything Underlined
 is a Link 


March 3, 2025