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This is ONLY available to New Jersey Homeowners.

Anyone that  personally signs up through ME 
will receive a
$50 Amazon Gift Card once they   
have completed their project installation.

If you received this webpage and have already upgraded your system and/or you DO NOT live in New Jersey - but you refer a friend, family, etc. that lives in New Jersey and gets this - 
I will split the Amazon Gift Card - 
$25 each - one for you and one for your friend, family, etc.


For New Jersey Homeowners ONLY

Announcement: The 2025 Whole Home Energy Solutions Program is Now Open for New Jersey Homeowners!

What is the Whole Home Energy Solutions Program?

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has initiated its new funding cycle for 2025. The new program, Whole Home Energy Solutions, replacing Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®, continues to provide the funding opportunities for residential energy upgrades through your Gas and Electric Provider, especially if your HVAC equipment is showing signs of age.

You may be eligible for up to $6,000 in incentives and 0% Interest On-Bill Repayment up to $25,000 for 10 years for your home energy upgrades.  

The "whole house" approach to energy efficiency not only means upgrading your old equipment, but also air sealing and insulation upgrades resulting in improved comfort and lowered energy bills.


"Oxford Energy" replaced my heater and air conditioner along with putting more insulation in my attic and other items to help control my utility bills since my home is older and still used Freon for my air conditioner which is no longer available. 

Click Here for picture of Oxford Energy Truck & Old units versus New units.

Since I replaced my hot water heater in 2019 - no need to do it. But I had everything else replaced.  

I signed up early February & was installed February 28, 2025. 

For 120 months (10 years) with 0% interest rate, it will cost me less than $110 a month after my local gas utility (I have South Jersey Gas) "subsidizes funding".  Anyone that  personally signs up through ME will receive a $50 Amazon Gift Card once they have completed their project installation.

If you're interested in this wonderful new program for New Jersey homeowners that have air conditioners using Freon or other older HVAC (Heater or Hot Water Heater)  - please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to go over with you and refer you to my "Oxford Energy" person so you can get a free assessment and update your system for 0% Interest for up to 10 years.

Please send Arlene Litvin (Braddock Preserve @ Winslow) either an email or text indicating you want some information - 
since I get so many scam calls.

Email: arlene@pinklady101.com  //  Cell # for Texting to me: 856-718-4223

Email: arlene@pinklady101.com 

Website:  www.pinklady101.com 


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Designed by: Arlene E. Litvin www.pinklady101.com

Note: anything Underlined
 is a Link 

March 11, 2025